Tuesday 14 May 2013

Conservation of Orangutan in Sarawak

What does orangutan mean?
The word orangutan comes from the Malay language. It literally means 'person of the forest' from the words ‘orang'  which means people and ‘hutan' which means forest.

Where do orangutans live?
Orangutans mostly live in Indonesia and Malaysia. In Indonesia, they can be found in the islands of Sumatra, while in Malaysia, they can be found in Borneo. In Sarawak, 90% of the orangutans are found in the protected area of Batang Ai National Park and Lanjak Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary.   A few surveys were done in Sarawak and based on these surveys, the estimate number of orangutans in Sarawak is about 1,300.(http://www.wcsmalaysia.org/orang_utan.htm)

1 300 ONLY? Threats?
1 300 is not exactly a big number. Their population is threatened with extinction. The reason for their declining population include illegal hunting, habitat loss and lack of enforcement of the legislation that protects them. It is predicted that by 2020, less than 10% of their population will survive.
How many types of orangutans are there?
There are two species or types of orangutan. One is the Borneo orangutan which is found on the island of Borneo and the Sumatran orangutan which is found on the island of Sumatra.

Are orangutans apes or monkeys?
Orangutans are classified as apes along with gorillas and chimpanzees. Apes generally have larger brains, forward-facing eyes and gripping hands. Humans actually share 96% of our genetic makeup with orangutans! The easiest way to distinguish between monkeys and orangutan is to look for a tail. Orangutans do not have tails whereas most monkeys do.

Orangutan with cheek pads!

What do orangutans look like?

Orangutan have long red hair. However, there is some difference between the male and female species. The male orangutan are much bigger than the females. Males can grow up to 1.5m tall and weigh as much as 120kg. Females are generally much smaller. They can grow up to 1m tall and weigh only about 45kg. 
Male orangutans has a beard and moustache when they become adults. Some male orangutans also has cheek pads and throat pouches.

Their body structure

Orangutan has a large and bulky body. It has a thick neck, very long and strong arms, short bowed legs, with no tail. It is mostly covered with long, reddish-brown hair and grey-black skin.

skeleton of an orangutan

Enjoy this Video on Orangutans in Sarawak!

What do orangutans sound like?
The sound an orangutan makes is called a longcall. It can be heard to humans up to 800m away!  

Ever wonder how a orangutan sounds like?

What do orangutans eat?

Orangutans eat mostly fruit. Their favourites are durians!  Similar like humans right? Orangutans also eat some flowers, honey, bark, leaves and insects.

Orangutan trying to pry open a durian!

Enjoying a bunch of banana

Watermelon ! Nice !

Where do orangutans sleep?

Sleeping Nest

So comfortable!

Orangutans sleep in nests in the trees which they make every day from leaves and branches.  Orangutans spend nearly all their time in the trees and hardly ever come to the ground. This makes them different from other apes like chimpanzees, gorillas and even humans who all spend a lot of time on the ground.

Do orangutans live in groups?
No, unlike the other apes (chimpanzees, gorillas and humans) orangutans do not like to live in groups. Female orangutans usually have 1 or 2 babies with them, but males are usually alone.

How many babies do orangutans have?
 Just like humans, orangutans usually only have one baby at a time. There is a lot to learn about life in the forest and so babies stay with their mother and learn from her until they are 7 or 8 years old. This attachment is longer than any other mammal except for humans. We need our mothers all our life.

Something interesting ...
Do you know,young orangutans are very scared of macaque monkeys.
Take a look at this video.

Done by :

Leader - Bareerah
Assistant Leader - Sri Lathimi
Logistics Leader - Denzel
Assistant Logistics Leader - Firah
Admin - Khalishah
IT Leader - Irfan
IT Assistant - Syafiq

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