Sunday 23 June 2013

Interview Question

interviewer #1 Sri Lathmi

Good afternoon sir/ madam.
My name is Sri Lathmi.
We are from Singapore. Our school's name is Teck Whye Primary School.
My friends here are in primary 5.
Our group here is interested to find out from you more about this place and the orang utan conservations efforts.

1. When did this orang utan conservation facility started?
2. How many orang utans are there currently in this facility?
3. What is the life span of an orang utan?
4. How do you all manage the process of taking care of these orang utans?

Interviewer #2 Bareerah

My name is Bareerah/ Magrfirah. I'll ask you 4 more question.

1. What are the foods that they eat?
2. How can you tell whether the orang utan is a male or female?
3. How can we (visitors) help in this conservation effort?
4. Where do you all get the funds for these conservation efforts?

Thank you sir / madam. (all)

Video :Irfan

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