Monday 24 June 2013

Orangutan... Finally we are here!

Our long wait is over... We finally made our way to Semenggoh Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre.

The red haired orang utan is really an amazement to watch. We had to be very quiet for the rangers to call the orangutans to come out. As we waited patiently and quietly, soon one by one the orangutans start appearing from the forest. Their acrobatic move seemed effortless. We were so amazed at how the rangers managed to mimic the long call to call them. Anyway, we think the orangutans were attracted to the bananas and other fruits.

We also managed to conduct an interview with the manager of the facility. Mr Chong was so kind and patiently answered all our 8 questions clearly.

We learnt that one of the way we can help the Rehabilitation Centre in their conservation efforts is through donation. Before we leave the facility, we also did our part in donating some small change to the centre.

One last surprise before we left was getting up close to the biggest and probably the oldest orangutan here. He is called Hairy. He is so huge.

This has been our best experience in Kuching so far. Being able to look at orangutan in its natural setting is truly amazing.

We definitely learnt a lot about the importance of conservation and the dangers of extinction.

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